Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vincent van Gogh

Our group lesson this week has been inspired by Art1: Vincent van Gogh.
What was really cool was that the 1st grader and I had gone through the first portion of the lesson and the next day we went to the Midland Center for the Arts: Grossology Exhibit.  We spent some time in the other parts of the museum, outside of the exhibit and lo and behold...we found the same piece of art work as above-his self-portrait (but with a pipe).  Then we stuck around for awhile and realized that there was a bit of technology involved and it would change from one self-portrait to another, leaving the face and pipe.  So they saw...
Well, versions of these.  :-)  They were definitely recognizable but they all used the face of the one on the top left, with the pipe.  And every once in awhile the pipe would "puff".  Then on the other wall was one on the left and leafcutter ants took pieces off the "framed art" (using again that top left self-portrait) and moved it to seperate frame and put it all back together with the added touch of a butterfly putting the last piece on.  :-)  Very cool use of technology and famous artwork!
So, our lesson...Starry Night
Definitely a well-known piece of artwork!
We had fun with this.  We added a little "extra" to K12's 1st grade lesson because I wanted them to explore with thick paint and texture.  :-)  But we didn't get into as much if I had just older students.  I can see grades 4+ really get into this!  We took three mornings to do this to allow the paint to dry in between.  Day one we browsed through Vincent van Gogh's artwork and then spent some time with the Starry Night one.  Actually, what I do is find eart work and save them to a file on the laptop and then we watch a slideshow.  :-)  We worked on to bottom portion of the landscape.  I provided dark colored paints and for whatever reason they all chose green for bottom of landscape and blues/purples for mountains/hills.  :-)  Day 2, I provided colors to make shades of blue for the sky and white for them to swirl.  Day 3, they added yellow in the sky and any other details they wanted. 
Grade 4
Grade 2
(with help---he really enjoyed this!)
Grade 2
Grade 3
And last but not least...our 1st grader's:
They did a job well done!
The Vincent Van Gogh pictures were from Wikipedia.
This is a pretty cool variation...
Bottle caps!  I found this at

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